If your computer has been infected by a virus or other malware, the expert team at Simplified Computers is here to help. When you sign up for our Virus Removal Service, our team makes every possible effort to preserve your data and keep your files safe.

When you need help getting rid of malware, simply bring your computer to our store and we do the rest! Our Virus Removal Service is available for both Macs and Windows PCs at the same cost. And it doesn’t matter if you purchased your computer from us or another store. We will always do our best to get rid of the malware that is slowing down your computer.

(Business customers that need assistance with virus removal should visit our Managed IT Services page)

Currently, Simplified Computers offers two distinct version of our virus cleaning service: Regular and Premium. Check the chart below to see the differences between the versions.


Additional Services

Plus, we provide a 30-day protection service – if you experience problems within the first 30 days of getting your computer back, simply contact us and we will provide an additional cleaning for no additional cost.

We also offer home pickup and delivery for an additional $25 if you are in Champaign-Urbana or the surrounding area.